Severe garden damage will make the garden more difficult to repair, and will cost more than the maintenance costs. So, we offer Garden Care and Maintenance Services so that this can be avoided.
The existence of a professional and experienced team in the Spora Lombok Plant’s Team, can handle and provide quality care for all types of gardens. If you feel that caring for the garden is difficult or you really don’t have time to take care of the garden nor having hard time to find a trusted gardener. Then we are the solution you are looking for.
The first stage we do is to keep the garden in a clean condition so that the feel of the garden is maintained and weed removal
Plants are living things that will definitely need water in order to survive, so regular watering of plants is necessary.
This replacement is also known as reconditioning and aims to make the garden look fresher.
This is also done if there are plants that die during the care and maintenance that we have done and we will replace them free of charge.
We do this to keep the garden looking neat and free from diseases caused by rotting or diseased leaves.
We provide fertilizer periodically or gradually, providing organic and inorganic fertilizers that are tailored to the needs.
Repair of components is carried out if there is a virus in plants that spreads quickly, we will check the garden every time to avoid damage or this happening. If this happens, we will spray extra fertilizer that is not sold in the market. The fertilizer is a type of fertilizer that is not harmful to health because the fertilizer used is an inorganic fertilizer that has been fermented.
We always do this in order to maintain the consistency of a good park condition.